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Agile & DevOps

Agile & DevOps

Digital transformation is pervading processes of enterprises operating in various verticals – be it Retail, Banking, or Travel. It is an established fact that customer experience is the benchmark of success. It is becoming increasingly important to have robust software development processes in place to deliver a superior customer experience.

The Agile software development methodology helps deliver high-quality applications that meet customer needs. Sakash, with Digital in its DNA, is equipped to help enterprise teams with Agile transformation.

Agile-based software development offers many advantages of an iterative and fast-paced process. However, customers often find themselves at crossroads when it comes to choosing a specific adoption path. Organizational culture and mindset are critical to the success of distributed agile projects. Enterprises need the right partner who can address all of these and deliver projects efficiently.

Our best practices and governance models foster communication, coordination, and collaboration among distributed teams. We collaborate with our customers to understand their past experience in implementing evolutionary methodologies and tools. Our focus on shorter delivery cycles mitigates risk and provides early corrective actions to meet release timelines.

Our approach is based on industry-standard agile methodologies with a good balance of engineering and project management practices.

Whether an organization needs a Certified Scrum Coach to scale Agile across the entire organization, our Agile experts can help. Using tools, including our proprietary Agile Assessment app, our coaches offer a multidimensional analysis of an enterprise’s Agile maturity, along with a clear roadmap to enhance and expedite the Agile journey. From one-off projects to total enterprise transformations, Sakash expertly meets clients’ needs.

We support our clients with strategic recommendations to adopt Agile methods. We help choose platforms, tools, and metrics that increase visibility and predictability. We also create playbooks, share best practices, and tailor processes to ”be” agile, not just “do” Agile.

We focus on advice consulting business financials
Agile Services DevOps Need for DevOps
  • Agile Consulting
  • Continuous Delivery Transformation
  • Agile Digital
  • Agile Analytics
  • Agile Development Pods

Our deep domain expertise in various verticals such as BFSI, CPG, Retail, and Media enables us to provide Agile solutions for the web, mobile, data warehousing, and UI/UX.


The digital tidal wave has spurred a sea change in terms of bringing development and operations out of their siloes and into alignment with the rest of the organization. DevOps, a close companion to Agile, is one of the keys to making IT a relevant partner for improving business agility.

Despite years of talk in the IT industry about breaking down siloes between various technology groups, the collaboration between application developers and IT operations is often described as “throwing over the fence” into production. This means a virtual wall stands between these two groups which hinders true collaboration. This is where DevOps comes in.

The primary goal of DevOps is making changes on-the-go to reliable and performing production software (continuous integration services) instead of in a Test environment. However, this practice results in conflicting goals for the Developers and Operation Engineers as each one views the other as the source of the problem. The two groups historically have worked in silos. However, today, disruptive trends such as mobility, big data, cloud and social are driving demand for quality apps and services. And that too at a faster rate than traditional approaches can accommodate.

The specific goals of a DevOps approach can span the entire delivery pipeline. It includes improved deployment frequency leading to faster time-to-market, the lower failure rate of new releases, shortened lead-time between fixes, and faster mean time to recovery – in the event of a new release crashing or otherwise disabling the current system. Using a DevOps approach can make simple processes increasingly programmable and dynamic which in turn maximizes predictability, efficiency, security, and maintainability of operational processes.

As a Digital-first organization, Sakash offers unique differentiators that enable you to embark on your DevOps journey.


  • 3111 West Allegheny Avenue Pennsylvania 19132
  • 1-982-782-5297
  • support@consultio.com


View our 2020 Medical prospectus of brochure for an easy to read guide on all of the services offer.

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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