Welcome to our IT Services company Sakash Tech!
Sakash Tech Sakash Tech Sakash Tech
(Mon - Sat)
SV Road, Borivali (W)
Sakash Tech Sakash Tech Sakash Tech


Delivering value for Oracle on-premise and Oracle Cloud implementations and management

Sakash brings in expertise in Oracle on-premise and Oracle Cloud implementation and management services for clients across industry verticals. Our consultative approach, focus on LEAN principles and automation help optimize RUN costs to free up resources for Innovation.

Digital and Cloud is our in our DNA; we help enterprises achieve their digital transformation vision through the adoption of Oracle SaaS and Oracle PaaS technology stacks. Our cloud implementation methodology and solution frameworks accelerate our clients’ journey to cloud.

We offer end to end consulting, implementation, development, maintenance, and support services for Oracle application and PaaS technology stack. We constantly enhance our delivery framework to incorporate best practices, tools, and solutions to reduce the overall time to market.


  • 3111 West Allegheny Avenue Pennsylvania 19132
  • 1-982-782-5297
  • support@consultio.com


View our 2020 Medical prospectus of brochure for an easy to read guide on all of the services offer.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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