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Contract Staffing

Contract Staffing

The term contract staffing refers to an employment arrangement, where an individual works for one company, but is an employee of a staffing company for a specified period of time, to complete a specific task, for a set pay rate.

In a contract employment situation, there are usually three components.

The client company: They are the one that has the staffing need. This need is often tied to a specific project or task with a deadline.
The contractor: They are often referred to as the contract employee and is the worker who is going to perform the task.
The staffing company: During the placement of the contract worker, they become the contract resource employee for the contractor and handle things like payroll, taxes, workers compensation, and benefits.
Benefits of Contracting for Clients

Industry demand for contract staffing continues to grow because of the benefits of hiring a contractor. Companies utilize contingent staffing for special projects, to evaluate a prospective employee’s skills, to work around hiring freezes, and to respond more rapidly to changing markets. These are just some of the benefits of using contractors.

If your client is having an issue with one or more of these mentioned problems, you may want to suggest contingent workforce solutions as a stress reliever for their business.

There are countless benefits to companies for using contractors to keep their organization properly staffed in any season, but here are six of the most prominent advantages that contract staffing has to offer. Benefits of using Contractors:

  • Staffing Flexibility
  • Maintain Budget Controls
  • Try Before You Buy (Temp-To- Direct)
  • Eliminated Bad Press from Layoffs
  • Increase Staffing Alternatives
  • Sole-Source Staffing Ability


  • 206, Orchid Plaza, SV Road Near Station PF. 1 Borivali (W)
  • 022 2806 5060
  • sales@sakashtech.com


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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